
Home / Projects / Todd Creek Treatment Plant
Todd Creek Treatment Plant

The Todd Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant — built in 1968 and expanded in 1990 — has exceeded its useful life due to Northland growth, the new KCI passenger terminal, and aging, less efficient treatment technology. KC Water proposes to build a new plant in a nearby location to install new treatment technology amd increase capacity to accommodate future growth.

Todd Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the above link for information about the current and proposed treatment plant locations; the proposed site plan; how wastewater is treated before it is returned to streams and rivers; the Todd Creek flood plain and watershed; environmental and health impacts of wastewater treatment plants; odor control technology planned for the new plant; regulatory and planning compliance and review; community concerns and benefits; and noise, lighting, and traffic considerations.


The City Council Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee discussed Ordinance 230975 on Dec. 6, 2023.

Here is KC Water’s presentation to the committee:

Presentation to Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee – Dec. 6, 2023

Here is KC Water’s report to the committee:

Memo – Todd Creek Plant Site Environmental and Geotechnical (Mining) Concerns – Nov. 30, 2023

Here are attachments to the memo:

The City Council Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee considered Ordinance 230975 on Nov. 29, 2023. The ordinance would authorize an Option to Purchase Agreement for Todd Creek Facility Land Acquisition. Here is a link to the presentation:
Ordinance 230975 – Presentation to Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee

Thanks to all who attended the public meeting, presentation and Q&A session on Nov. 13, 2023. Here is link to the presentation:
Todd Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant – Public Meeting #2 

Thanks to the Platte County Commission for meeting with the project team on Sept. 18, 2023. Here is a link to the presentation:
Platte County Commission Presentation

Thanks to all who attended the public meeting, presentation and Q&A session on Aug 31, 2023. Here are links to the presentations:
Environmental Impact Review Presentation
Treatment Plant Project Presentation
To respond to the Aug. 31 public meeting survey, visit:

Alternative Site Evaluation


Todd Creek Cultural Resources report

Todd Creek Phase II Combined ESA Report

Todd Creek Geotech report

Phase I ESA reports for both sites available upon request. Please contact Water.Projects@KCMO.Org.


Executive Summary
Evaluation Report

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