Master accounts are created when a customer sends a request to aggregate their consumption and/or to combine bills for multiple properties onto one bill. You may submit an online request to master your accounts here. There are three types of master accounts (aggregate consumption, master summary, and combination master relationship). In all instances, every service address you want to include on a master bill must have both a zero balance and a working Automatic Meter Reader.
In Aggregate Consumption master accounts the water usage from multiple service addresses is summed together into one total amount.
Benefits – This allows qualifying properties to receive a ‘volume discount’ on their total water usage charges, by taking advantage of KC Water’s rate blocks. Combined monthly water usage must be more than 50 Units (5,000 cubic feet) to result in a ‘volume discount’.
To Qualify – All premises must be on the same block. There cannot be a major road running through different premises. Residential, fire protection, stormwater or wastewater only accounts cannot be included. Additionally, every service address included on a master bill must have both a zero balance and a working Automatic Meter Reader.
Keep in mind: This type of master bill may include accounts with sewer allowance credits (SAC). The SAC program allows commercial and industrial customers to receive a reduction in their sewer volume charge due to water used for irrigation, manufactured products, or evaporation. If a business changes hands the new business will have to go through the SAC meter application process to receive a sewer reduction. For more information on the SAC program contact the Regulatory Compliance Division at 513-0600.
In a Master Summary account the water usage from multiple service addresses is issued on a single master bill, but their consumption is not summed together into a single amount.
Benefits – Accounts are combined into one bill.
To Qualify – Every service address included on a master summary bill must have both a zero balance and a working Automatic Meter Reader.
Keep in mind: The total amount of consumption from all service addresses are not summed together. There is no ‘volume discount’.
In a Combination Master Relationship account the water usage from multiple qualifying service addresses is summed together and water usage from multiple service addresses not eligible to have their consumption summed together are issued on a single master bill with one total amount due.
Benefits – Accounts are combined into one bill. Qualifying properties receive a ‘volume discount’ on their total water usage charges.
To Qualify – Every service address included on a master summary bill must have both a zero balance and a working Automatic Meter Reader.
Keep in mind: Not all of the water usage from every service address is added together. This type of master bill may include accounts with sewer allowance credits (SAC). The SAC program allows commercial and industrial customers to receive a reduction in their sewer volume charge due to water used for irrigation, manufactured products, or evaporation. If a business changes hands the new business will have to go through the SAC meter application process to receive a sewer reduction. For more information on the SAC program contact the Regulatory Compliance Division at 513-0600.
If you need more information please Contact Us or Submit an Online Request.