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KC Water’s primary system includes a 240-million gallon per day treatment plant, 4 major pump stations, 14 re-pump stations, numerous water storage facilities, and approximately 2,800 miles of water mains.  Treated water service is provided to approximately 172,000 customers inside and outside the City and 34 active wholesale customers.  There are also connections with the transmission systems of 6 other regional water suppliers that can be activated in case of an emergency.

KC Water obtains its raw water for the primary system from a combination of surface and ground water sources.  Surface water comes from the Missouri River and accounts for approximately 80% of the raw water.  Ground water comes from a well field in the Missouri River aquifer and accounts for the remaining 20% of raw water.  Water treatment is a four-step process that consists of sedimentation, softening, stabilization and filtration.  The treated water produced by KC Water meets current federal and state requirements for drinking water.

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