Thanks to All Who Helped Plan for the Future of Brush Creek
KC Water and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District (USACE) held planning workshops in 2023 to examine needs and potential improvement opportunities for Brush Creek from the Paseo to its confluence with the Blue River at Coal Mine Road. Community input made a difference.
How We Built the Vision
Participants spoke with subject matter experts, viewed proposed improvements, and shared ideas for review. Using study data, guidance from project sponsors, engineering and sustainability best practices, and community comments and ideas, the project team created a Master Plan illustrated on this map. The map is an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) document covering a very wide area. Use the “+ and -” feature at the top of the page to take a closer look at the part of the project area that interests you most.
Project Summary
Workshop Summary
Workshops for the Brush Creek Master Plan were collaborative meetings that allowed the project team, residents and businesses to address needs and opportunities in the project area.
Workshop #1 – Study Area Review and Issue Identification
Participants at Workshop #1, held April 18, 2023, spoke with project representatives, learned more about the Master Plan activity, and offered input that was incorporated into materials and discussions for Workshop #2.
Display Boards from Workshop #1
Workshop #2 – Review of Public Input and Priorities
Workshop #2 was held May 23, 2023. Below is a link to the display boards the project team used.
Display Boards from Workshop #2
Workshop #3 – Constructing the Master Plan
Workshop #3 was held Aug. 3, 2023. Attendees were able to get a first look at proposed features and improvement projects.
Preliminary Draft Master Plan map showing proposed features along Brush Creek from the Paseo to the Blue River
Workshop #4 – Completing the Master Plan
The last planning workshop was held Sept. 12, 2023. Thanks to tremendous community turnout, the Project Team was able to refine proposed features and advance the draft. The final Master Plan can be found here.
For Further Information
Courtney Hawkins, Graduate Engineer
Stormwater Division, KC Water