Water Service Line Inventory

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KC Water is dedicated to delivering safe and reliable drinking water to over 650,000 residents in Kansas City and the metro area. Kansas City takes the safety of drinking water seriously and it’s the top priority of the KC Water Department. To ensure the highest quality, the City of Kansas City is part of a national effort to detect and remove lead from public water systems and drinking water.

Water Service Line Inventory map graphicWater Service Line Inventory Map

Along with other water utilities in our region and across the country, KC Water is compiling an inventory of water pipe material on city-owned (KC Water) and customer-owned (private) service lines to fulfill federal requirements. This is called the Water Service Line Inventory.

These requirements are from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and listed in the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) to better protect public health.

After compiling and review of over 180,000 historical records, approximate quantities for the water service lines in Kansas City are categorized below.

  • 0 lead lines
  • 23,164 galvanized lines
  • 27,659 unknown lines
  • 127,194 non-lead lines

The results of the initial Water Service Line Inventory are available on the Water Service Line Inventory Map. Click the link to search by address. For specific instructions on how to use the map, click the link on the left to visit the online map webpage.

How does KC Water provide safe water?

KC Water ensures high-quality drinking water in multiple ways. The water that flows through the KC Water drinking water treatment facility is vigorously tested and includes a water softening process. The primary process utilizes lime which reduces the reactivity of your water. In addition to that safeguard, phosphates are added to the water to prevent metals from leaching into drinking water as it flows through pipes.

→ Read more in our annual water quality reports available on the KC Water website.

Why is a water service line inventory important?

As water flows through plumbing systems it could come into contact with lead pipes or pipe fittings that might potentially impact drinking water. However, very few water service lines have been identified as lead after review of historical records to date.

In 1989, lead was banned as a pipe material for water service lines in the state of Missouri. Most buildings constructed after 1989 will not have lead, but it is possible.

What is a water service line?

Graphic of a water service line identifying the KC Water side and customer side.

Service lines are the pipes that connect from water main pipes to buildings and houses (see graphic). Ownership of each service line is divided between KC Water and the customer. The service line material can be different for each side.

Typically, there are two sides of a water service line:

  1. The city-owned (KC Water) service line is from the water main to the curb stop valve.
  2. The customer-owned (private) service line extends from the curb stop to the private property.